Organic Cotton Sanitary Pads: What’s All The Hype About?

Menstrual products are a hot topic these days. It's no secret that women have been menstruating forever (duh), but the methods we use to manage our menstrual cycles changes and evolve with the times.

From pads, to tampons, menstrual cups and period underwear, menstrual products make up a multi-billion dollar worldwide today. Each comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. For example, while reusable menstrual cups are better for the environment than disposable sanitary pads, the use of silicone material can cause vaginal irritation or discomfort.

On the other hand, if you’re a sanitary pad user you may have wondered about the impact on sustainability. Here’s where organic pads come in handy.


Regular Pads vs Organic Pads: What’s The Difference?

Going organic is not just about the fruits and vegetables you’re putting into your bodies, nowadays people are making the conscious switch to organic products like clothes and cosmetics.

Since the middle of the 20th century, sanitary pads have contained somewhere between a little and mostly plastic. And we all know where does plastic goes to in the end - landfills and much of it ends up in the oceans, take decades to break down into micro-plastics, and stays in our ecosystem longer than our lives.

Organic pads on the other hand are made out of organic plant-based materials like bamboo, wood and even banana pulp, with the most common one being organic cotton.


If you’ve been wondering about making the switch to organic cotton pads, here are 3 reasons to consider.


Organic cotton pads are better for the environment

Cotton is the one crop that is sprayed with the most chemicals in the world. If your pads are made from non-organic cotton, chances are they have been sprayed with some type of chemical. 

With unbleached organic cotton, there is no pesticides, insecticides or toxic chemicals used in the process. Production of organic cotton doesn’t damage the soil and uses 88% less water as well as 62% less energy. The use of organic cotton also means the pads are compostable with less plastic waste than conventional period pads.


They’re better for your body

Conventional pads are mostly made out of synthetic material with little or no cotton content - cheaper options are made out of up to 90% plastic derivatives. And no, plastic and skin do not usually go well together!

Since they come in direct contact with the sensitive skin of the vaginal area, the plastic content in conventional sanitary pads can cause rashes and allergies and even become a breeding ground for infections.

On the other end of the spectrum, organic cotton pads are made from natural materials using no toxic chemicals, they are gentler on the skin. The softer material allows the skin to breathe and reduces the risk of skin irritation and allergies that can come from the plastic and other chemical contamination in conventional pads. There is also lower risk of bacterial or fungal infections caused by low breathability.

Our organic cotton pads are super soft and allow your skin to breathe throughout the day!

Organic cotton pantyliners work in the same way, too.

If you have sensitive skin, suffer from allergies or are prone to vaginal infections, making the switch to organic cotton pads would bring a two-fold benefits, which means less trips to the doctors. 

Getting on our subscription plan will lower the cost in the long run. Plus, you don’t even have to leave the house to get your monthly sanitary pad restocks. Yes please!

Besides just the monetary, consider the benefits on your health AND on the environment when choosing the right menstrual product, too.

You know you best

These days, with the rise of awareness about menstrual health and hygiene products in general there are a variety of choices available for women that they can choose from. As you consider making the switch to organic cotton sanitary pads, it’s worth taking into account that there are a number of reasons why. 

Switching is eco-friendly and better for your skin and health in the long run – both benefits that will far outweigh any short term costs associated. When it comes down to what is best suited for your body type or personal preference, it is ultimately your personal choice to make.

Consumers today are empowered to make decisions which are aligned to their own interests and causes which they support, spend where your heart tells you to. :)


Interested in trying out organic cotton sanitary pads? Ours are a great eco-friendly option with zero nasties, plus they’re great for sensitive skin!

